Browse F.A.Q. Topics


  • Can you issue air tickets?
    We issue tickets for all airlines, to all destinations. Contact a representative of our company and we would be more than happy to help you.
  • What the airline consists as a group?
    Most airlines consider a group to be at least 10 or more passengers traveling together.
  • Can you find me a hotel abroad?
    In Welcome, we work on a platform with thousands of hotels around the world. Contact us to find the best for you.
  • What are the benefits of using a travel agent compared to the Internet?
    Τhe Internet can be a powerful tool. It can increase the scope and reach of a consumer's efforts and allow a person to check hundreds of options or research destinations in depth. But to make the Internet work effectively, a person has to understand where to look and what questions to ask, otherwise hours can be wasted surfing the Web and ultimately produce unsatisfactory results. This is where a travel agent can make a world of difference. A professional travel agent is trained to guide a client through the entire process of planning a trip, whether for business or for leisure.